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Why you should not neglect SEO?

With more than 1.7 billion websites in the world, having a website is not enough: it has to be visible. For this to happen, you need to work on your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), which will allow you to be better placed in the search engine results, and to attract users to your site.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) refers to all the techniques and methods used to improve the ranking of a site on search engines.

The importance of SEO

Google searches are your main source of traffic.

Search engines are now indispensable. Nearly 90% of all searches, in all fields, are made on the Internet. Google is the leading search engine, with over 700,000 queries made every second.

Ainsi, réussir à figurer parmi les premiers résultats des moteurs de recherche est indispensable à votre visibilité. En effet, 75% des utilisateurs ne vont pas au-delà de la première page de résultat, et seulement 9% vont jusqu’en bas de la première page.
Pour compléter ces chiffres, 60% des internautes cliquent sur l’un des trois premiers résultats de leur recherche. Figurer parmi les premiers est alors un réel enjeu pour attirer du monde sur votre site !

A good positioning strengthens the credibility of your company

Optimiser son référencement naturel offre aussi plus de crédibilité à votre entreprise, aussi bien aux yeux de Google qu’aux yeux de vos clients.
En effet, si vous apparaissez parmi les premiers, cela signifie que vous proposez un contenu très pertinent par rapport à la requête de l’utilisateur. Cela permettra de renforcer la confiance de vos clients envers votre site.
Être présent sur la première page de résultats de recherche signifie donc que vos contenus répondent aux attentes des internautes. En effet, l’algorithme de Google fonctionne notamment en fonction de la pertinence de vos contenus vis-à-vis des requêtes de internautes.

Good SEO also means a better user experience

SEO is very important in terms of customer experience, since the main issue is to get users to visit your site. Indeed, the customer experience brings together all the elements of interaction between the user and your company and its goods or services. A good customer experience includes a low loading time. Indeed, 53% of Internet users would leave a site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. So make sure you optimise the technical aspect of your pages to reduce their loading time.

Optimising your site to make it user-friendly and enjoyable will increase your chances of getting visits to your site. Having a good SEO will allow you to appear among the first on search engines: your customers and prospects will easily find your site, and this will make their experience more pleasant.

Some SEO trends for 2021

Qualitative content

Content is an important part of your SEO strategy because Google values the relevance and quality of content above all else.

Your content should be of high quality and precisely targeted to meet the needs of your users. Your content should also be written in a simple and understandable way to make it easy for your visitors to read.

Quality content also means anticipating the questions that your customers or prospects might ask, in order to answer them in the most optimal way. Working on the content also involves impeccable HTML markup.

Mobile first website

In order to maximise your SEO, you must also take into account mobile visits. Your website must be optimised for mobile. Mobile users must find the same comfort as on a computer.

Indeed, Google now values sites offering an optimal experience on mobile, with mobile first indexing. This is simply the new way that bots index websites: Googlebot crawls the mobile version of websites first (before the desktop page), which could have an indirect impact on your ranking in search engine results.


Aussi très lié au référencement, avoir un site sécurisé est un élément essentiel pour optimiser votre positionnement. Google prend en compte la sécurité des sites internet dans son classement. De ce fait, avoir un site non sécurisé vous fera perdre des places dans les résultats de recherche.
De la même manière, si l’utilisateur a un doute sur la sécurité de votre site, il le quittera rapidement. Il faut donc avoir un site sécurisé pour inciter les utilisateurs à visiter et rester sur votre site. Ainsi, vous devez avoir un site HTTPS pour garantir l’intégrité et la sécurité des données sur votre site.

Customer experience

New for 2021, Google has been implementing the Core Vitals Web since this summer, consisting of three new indicators to measure the user experience. Although the relevance and quality of content still take precedence over user experience, these indicators are no less important. Indeed, if two pages offer similar content, it is these new indicators that will decide the ranking between the pages.

The Core Vitals Web includes three indicators:

  • LCP (Largest Contenful Paint): performance indicator, it measures the loading time of a page. Google recommends a loading time of less than 2.5 seconds to display the main information on a page, i.e. the title, the illustration and the contents.
  • FID (First Input Delay): a reactivity indicator, it measures the reaction time for an action performed by a user. For example, the reaction time when a button is clicked. Google recommends a reaction time of 100ms.
  • CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift): a stability indicator that measures the impact of updates to a page on a site. Google recommends a CLS of less than 0.1. The site should not contain any changes due to late loading of page elements that would shift the page blocks or its contents.

Thus, the implementation of a good SEO strategy is essential to be visible and to stand out in the competitive world of the internet. Don't underestimate the importance of SEO!

Our team puts its expertise in SEO at your disposal to accompany you and guide you in the optimisation of your site, do not hesitate to consult our service.

Social Media Optimisation (SMO): use social networks to increase your visibility

It can never be said enough, web presence is only of interest if you are visible! The use of different levers to boost your visibility is therefore essential if you do not want to be confused among the millions of websites that exist today.

In addition to SEO and SEA acting on search engines, social networks represent an interesting channel to generate traffic and improve the visibility of your site. To finish this series of articles on Search Engine Marketing, we explain what SMO is, how it works and what interests it has!

Social Media Optimisation: definition and objectives

SMO consists in using social networks to make your company or brand known. The aim is tooptimise your presence on social networks. In fact, it is about using a new type of communication channel to make yourself known.

Thus, community management and the use of sponsored advertising are two components.

SMO has advantages in terms of marketing and communication. An optimal presence on social networks will allow :

  • Increase your reputation and your e-reputation

  • Acquire traffic to your site

  • To create a community

  • To highlight your content, your offers, your products

  • To position yourself against your competitors

  • Reach your potential customers by targeting your content

SMO can help you with your SEO strategy

SMO can help you acquire backlinks. A backlink is a link to your site from a page outside your site. Posting content from your website on social networks creates external links, which can easily be shared by your followers. This increases the number of links back to your site.

Links are indeed particularly important in SEO as they facilitate the work of the indexing robots and play on the reputation of your site. The more backlinks you have, the more people talk about you! External links are an interesting indicator that plays favourably on your referencing.

To conclude, SMO is particularly interesting because it allows you to use social networks to make your site known. Although it does not have a direct impact on your positioning in search results, it is still a particularly interesting tool for capturing an audience and increasing your visibility!

SEO, SEA, SMO, you will have understood, your web referencing depends on several tools, none of which should be neglected! Discover other web marketing tools here.

Paid search (SEA): an effective strategy?

Being present on the internet is essential today, but not sufficient: you also need to be visible! Indeed, nine out of ten people do not go beyond the first page of web search results. Improving your site's ranking in the results is a key issue in your web strategy.

A good referencing is then essential! In a previous article, we talked to you about natural referencing (SEO), a free but long-term strategy. Today we return to paid search engine optimisation (SEA), another component of search engine marketing.

SEA (Search Engine Advertising): how does it work?

SEA or paid search consists of setting up advertising campaigns for a website on search engines. It involves creating sponsored links that will appear at the top of the search results page.

A SEA campaign is therefore paid for and works in the form of an auction. It is most often paid on a cost per click (CPC) basis. When you create an ad, you decide how much you are willing to pay for each click on the link. The higher the amount you are willing to pay, the greater your chances of appearing in the search results.

Paid search is an advertising strategy that must be prepared, in particular by selecting relevant keywords.

Google Ads, the market leader

Google Ads is the most used web advertising platform. The reason is simple, Google is the most used search engine. It has a 90% share of the search engine market.

Two main campaigns can be implemented:

  • Adwords campaigns: this is the creation of advertisements that appear directly on the search results page.

  • Display campaigns: these are ads that appear on the pages of a website.

In order to maximise the success of your advertising campaigns, you can test your ads with A/B testing. Google Ads offers the possibility of testing titles, descriptions and landing pages.

What is A/B testing?

This is a process of testing two versions of the same element to see which is more effective and relevant. In terms of SEA, this will allow you to test two versions of an ad to see which one reaches the most users. Then you can choose the one with the best conversion rate.

Reasons to use paid search

Paid referencing is an interesting webmarketing lever, which allows you to increase your visibility quickly.

It will allow you to attract attention : with SEA, you pay for a better position in the search results, which then allows you to increase the traffic on your site thanks to the gain in visibility.

Paid search also helps to gain awareness of competitors and increase conversions quickly.

It is a flexible strategy: you can vary the budget and the number of ads you put up according to the period.

This is a priority type of referencing that allows you to target more precisely.


In reality, SEA alone does not do everything, because as soon as you stop paying, the traffic will slow down. So you need to combine SEO and SEA in your strategy.

SEA, although often opposed to SEO (natural referencing), actually complements it. While natural referencing is a long-term strategy, paid referencing has a short-term impact. It is therefore wise to use SEA to accompany SEO on certain keywords. This will also boost your visibility during special events.

Finally, SEA, although it can be very expensive (depending on the competition!), is an effective technique for gaining visibility quickly. However, don't forget that an SEA strategy alone is not enough. Offering an optimal user experience and working on your natural referencing are two important elements to succeed in having a good referencing.

Natural referencing: how to improve your positioning on search engines?

With millions of websites on the web, working on your positioning in internet search results (SEO) has become an essential part of your strategy.

As an important channel for acquiring traffic, referencing is an essential practice if you want to increase your visibility on search engines! There are two types: natural referencing and paid referencing (AdWords or Display campaigns).

Today we focus on one of the components of SEM (Search Engine Marketing), natural referencing: definition, functioning, optimization criteria, we tell you everything!

Natural referencing: definition

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) defines a set of techniques aimed at improving the ranking of a website in search engine results. It depends on a number of criteria.

How does this ranking work?

  • Indexing: robots, called "crawlers", crawl through the pages of websites and record the content of the pages visited in a database. The crawlers continuously crawl the websites in order to index new pages and delete those that no longer exist.

  • Algorithms: browsers use algorithms which, from among the data stored, retain those that appear most relevant to the search made by the Internet user.

The ranking obtained through SEO is not fixed: your position in the search results can change. SEO is a long-term practice, which takes time, requires regularity and is constantly evolving.

Why is SEO important?

Most internet users do not go beyond the first page of internet search results. Ensuring a good position in the search pages is therefore essential if you want to get traffic to your site.

By working on your SEO, you can increase your visibility by appearing higher in search results. This will then allow you to increase traffic to your site.

How to optimise the natural referencing of your website?

The technical aspect

You need to develop a site that is accessible and easily indexed by robots. Several elements must be taken care of:

  • Optimise the loading speed of your site's pages.

  • Integrate an XML sitemap: this is a map that defines the pages of the site to be indexed. This facilitates the work of the crawlers.

  • Take care of the structure of your website

Quality content

Writing original and relevant content is a key element of SEO.

  • Use of keywords: identify the words used by Internet users when they search the Internet. Including these words in your content will make your pages more relevant to the search. However, be careful not to overuse them!

  • Structured content thanks to the Hn tagging system: this involves ordering the content presented with levels of titles.

  • Complete content: the title tag and meta description are equally important.

Netlinking and backlinks: the importance of links

  • Integrate internal links between your different pages: redirecting to pages with similar or related content will help the indexing robots in their work.

  • Popularity: backlinks, i.e. external links to your pages, will increase your visibility.

Voice recognition is now an important part of your SEO strategy

With the rise of voice searches, adapting your SEO can be useful. Voice searches lead to longer queries and/or queries formulated in the form of phrases. How can you adapt to this?

  • Provide concise paragraphs containing the elements that may be requested by the person conducting a voice search.

  • Write content taking into account the so-called "conversational" language to correspond to the questions formulated orally by Internet users.

  • Intégrer les mots clés de « longue traîne » : il s’agit d’utiliser des expressions, questions ou phrases intégrant les mots clés. Les mots clés de longue traîne sont généralement composés de plus de 5 mots. Ce type de mots clés constitue d’ailleurs un avantage. En effet, ils sont plus concurrentiels et offrent un meilleur taux de conversion.

In conclusion, SEO is an essential practice if you want to have an effective presence on the web.

To learn more about the other components of SEM, you can read our latest article.

SEO, SEA, SMO: the webmarketing levers to boost your visibility!

Nowadays, any company present on the web participates in the race for the first position on search engines. Optimising the referencing of your company is therefore no longer an option but a necessity to exist on the web...

SEM (Search Engine Marketing) groups together the three levers that enable the visibility of a website to be increased. These are :

  • The SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), natural referencing, is a group of techniques aimed at improving one's ranking on the search results pages. It is a practice to be implemented over time, which gives results in the long term, but which remains essential to be visible.

  • The SEA (Search Engine Advertising), paid referencing aimed at creating advertisements highlighting your site on the result page. These advertising campaigns work in the form of bids, which, when won, offer the1st position on the SERP (Search Engine Result Page).

  • The SMO (Social Media Optimisation), which consists of generating traffic to your website by optimising social networks. Being active on social networks allows you to exploit a new communication channel to attract potential customers to your website.

In our next articles, we will present each of these three SEM components, essential web marketing tools for an effective strategy.

If you had to remember only one thing? SEM = SEO + SEA + SMO